The Many Benefits of Essential Oils
Despite their growing popularity, there are still a lot of unknowns when it comes to essential oils. However, that’s not to say that there aren’t a number of studies to support that essential oils can have significant benefits when used responsibly.
Whether using them as a disinfectant to clean your counter or as a solvent to soothe a burn, the list of ways you can use essential oils to create a more toxin-free environment is almost endless.
“There’s an oil for that!”
– said oil enthusiasts everywhere
That phrase has been a running joke with my friends and family for several years now. While said tongue and cheek (there isn’t always an appropriate oil out there that will effectively address our health concern) there is some truth to the sentiment. Whether it’s to reduce stress and anxiety, relieve a headache or other bodily aches and pains, or simply improve your ability to sleep more soundly, essential oils provide an array of different benefits.
Aiding In Reducing Stress, Anxiety & Depression
Again, without a doubt, using essential oils via aromatherapy to treat anxiety and depression clearly needs additional study [1]. There are several studies that indicate that essential oils can be effective in alleviating stress. And like any good research report, they also conclude that “additional study is required” [2].
Essential oils used to aid in the reduction of stress, anxiety, and depression:
I have found it super interesting how different people respond to the variety of oil smells. For example, the lady who introduced my family to oils swears by bergamot, while my mother-in-law prefers lavender, all the while, my mom absolutely loves the smell of vetiver. There’s no correct answer to which is best — find what’s right for you!
Aiding in Relieving Headaches & Migraines
This is a subject that I understand well. The head-splitting pain and nausea that often results from a headache/migraine are TERRIBLE. Peppermint is the star oil when it comes to relieving headache and migraine symptoms [9, 10, 11].
Additionally, a 2012 study found lavender oil to be a potentially effective and safe treatment for migraine pain [12]. I will often diffuse lavender oil when trying to cope with the pain of a headache
Aiding in Restful Sleep
While peppermint was certainly the star for pain management, that award overwhelmingly would go to lavender when considering oils for a sleeping aid [13, 14, 15, 16].
Also listed as an oil used for relieving stress and anxiety, lavender is a perfect fit for helping provide restful sleep. Diffusing lavender has become one of our bedtime rituals, and I can personally attest to the restful sleep benefits. At the very least our bedroom smells like a field of flowers, which in my book is a win-win.
Aiding in Reducing Inflammation
Additionally, there have been studies that have suggested that essential oils have the potential to treat and prevent inflammatory diseases like osteoarthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
Essential oils that may reduce inflammation:
Due to my struggle with chronic illness for the last several years, inflammation (especially in the colon) has consistently been an area of concern. I think it’s awesome that research is being conducted to determine how essential oils can be best used in helping with this common symptom.
An Alternative Antibiotic & Antimicrobial
The movement to replace toxic cleaning supplies with clean, environmentally-friendly alternatives can be clearly seen in the success of brands like Mrs. Meyer’s and Method. By and large, Chris and I work hard to avoid having harsh, dangerous chemicals in our living space (and I can only imagine this desire will grow once our family begins to grow).
Additionally, we see a potential need for alternative treatments for infectious diseases as the threat of antibiotic-resistant “superbugs” grows.
A 2006 study from The University of Western Australia, explained it well when it concluded that,
“A paradigm shift in the treatment of infectious diseases is necessary to prevent antibiotics becoming obsolete, and where appropriate, alternatives to antibiotics ought to be considered.”
The University of Western Australia
The study concludes that there is a significant amount of in vitro data to support that melaleuca essential oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties and that there is a pressing need for clinical trials to be conducted [21].
Essential oils that have been studied for antibiotic & antimicrobial properties:
While cleanliness certainly isn’t next to godliness, maintaining a clean environment is necessary to promote a healthy and active lifestyle (it’s awfully difficult to be active when you’re always sick). When ensuring a healthy living environment, Chris and I rely heavily on the cleaning properties of essential oils.
Using Essential Oils Responsibly
I hope it has been helpful to explore some of the conducted research on the benefits of essential oils. Do essential oils work? The evidence suggests that they do. The research also consistently states that there is a need to dig deeper and conduct more research. (If there were no benefits, there would be no need for additional research.)
I want to stress that most of these studies conclude that further investigation is required. They should be used as a supplementary aid in improving the quality of life and not an actual treatment. If you have a medical concern, please seek counsel from a medical professional.
I love this! I would love to try out some oils for anxiety to see how it helps. Being on meds has helped immensely, but who wants to be on meds forever? I sure don’t! Oils to help inflammation would help out my husband a ton too, with his gluten allergy. Inflammation is one of several different symptoms he gets, depending on what type of gluten he’s ingested. Just last week, he ate maybe 2 pieces of breaded chicken and had what felt like an ear infection – but it was just inflammation from that darn chicken.
Totally understand the “not being on meds forever” sentiment, and I also know too well the gluten pain (and the emotional pain of not eating gluten lol)! I’ll reach out directly to talk oils, but I would start with lavender (I even drink a lavender/chamomile tea by Traditional Medicinals that I got from Sprouts and it calms me right down).